Inspire learning in two languages! This read-only digital version of the English/Spanish magazine helps young children strengthen their first language while learning a second. The engaging stories, poems, puzzles and activities are perfect for young children — and for parents — who are learning to speak and read in Spanish and English. Visit to learn more. Ages 2-6.
Highlights High Five Bilingue
El conejo • El conejo no hace ni un solo ruido. Se sienta y me mira. Ladea la cabeza, medio sorprendido. Levanto un pie para dar un paso. Entonces se gira y se aleja a los saltos.
Las aventuras de Manchas
La sorpresa de Abby
Zapatos nuevos • Mira y vuelve a mirar
El nuevo libro de Raju
Haz un cesto para regalar
That’s Silly!™ ¡Qué disparate!
My First Hidden Pictures™ Puzzle
Rabbit • Rabbit makes No sound at all. She sits and stares, Then jerks her head To look at me. I lift my foot To take a step. She turns And leaps Away.
The Adventures of Spot
Abby’s Surprise
Gone Fishing • Look and Look Again
Raju’s New Book
Make a Gift Basket
High Five Bilingüe • In English y en español